Filled Gallows and Endless Nights

Another endless night falls upon the sky,
we watch desperately for hope, seeking survivors.
Constantly beat, whipped, and scolded;
Some pray for their lives to go on a little longer,
striving to live, to seek loved ones in hope they're still alive too.
But what is the meaning of life to us now?
We've seen death, now no longer frightens us.
We weep no more, only in our hearts.
Shattered and bitter, we don't dare moan for mercy.

We loathe the death of many,Yet we are not truly sorry,
for we must move on,
to do what we can just to stay alive, one more day survive.

The men of death seek the weak, they take anyone.
Their need to kill amuses themselves with such joy.
They look so satisfied,
a smirk on their face,
no blood nor dirt stains on their clothes.

We're pushed down to the ground,
quickly we scramble on hands and knees.
The next thing we expect,
Is to be dead, like those around us.
For many, it ends there. In the mud, on the ground at the men's feet.
All their struggle gone to waste.

We loathe the death of many,Yet we are not truly sorry,
for we must move on,
to do what we can just to stay alive, one more day survive.

Why are we kept alive?
Do they really hate us that much, to make us suffer each and everyday?
It sickens me, deep inside.
I can no longer look away when someone is crudely beat,
I've become one of them,
I've learned and accepted their ways as my own.

Then we see a bus pass by, what do we see on it?
Young children, no longer innocent.
Their eyes black as night, riding down the dirt road.
Women run to after the truck, as if their only hope depends on it.
They are quickly shot down, like a falling star they hit the ground.
There is no other reason for some to live,
they start to slack more and more everyday.

Those few that lost the will,
we now see hanging in the gallows.
Swaying in the little breeze we have, lifeless.
Their eyes hollow as we pass.
Some still lay in the mud,
stepped on day to day, shown no respect.

The men's intention is not to keep us alive, they want us to die.
Slowly give up, and die.
Why are they doing this?

Another endless night falls upon the sky, there's fewer everyday.