The Girl In The Tall Sycamore Tree

"Have you seen the girl in the tall Sycamore tree?"

All the children ask each other.

She's been sitting there,

In that tall Sycamore tree all day long since she was nine years old.

That's the girl in the tall Sycamore tree.

She'd watch the other little girls play with the little boys.

That's the girl in the tall Sycamore tree.

She'd sit there,

At thirteen years old,

And watch the thirteen years old,

And watch the middle school couples holding hands.

That's the girl in the tall Sycamore tree.

She'd sit there,

At sixteen years old,

Watching the teenage couples kissing.

She's the girl in the tall Sycamore tree.

And she'd sit there,

At twenty-five years old,

Watching those pretty little petite girls get proposed to by their boyfriends.

She's teh girl in the tall Sycamore tree.

She'd sit there,

At thirty-five years old,

And watch the families play with their children.

She's the girl in the tall Sycamore tree.

"Have you seen the girl in the tall Sycamore tree"

All the adults ask each other.

She's the girl in the tall Sycamore tree.