Happily Ever After

There are so many things I won't ever tell you.

So many things you'll never know.

Who I truly am.

What I want.

What I wish for.

I wish that you'd be the one to kiss me for the first time.

I want you the first and only one to be mine.

Mine forever.

I wish that you'd get down on one knee and tell me what I want to hear and ask a beautiful question.

I want to be the one that makes your heart speed up when we're close.

I wish to be the one to raise your children with you.

And I don't mind if you don't want me.

I don't mind if you take advantage of my love for you.

Even if it was right this very moment.

It doesn't matter when.

I just want to be with you.

If only for a moment,

If only for a second.

Even if it's just a little bit,

It's something.


If you would realize what I wish you would.

So I can give you what she does.

I'll never let my jealousy take over.

I'll never tell you how I feel.

And maybe someday,

Just maybe,

When I've got it all,

You'll realize what you've been missing out on,

Even if it's next to nothing,

And you'll call up all our old friends,

And find a way to me,

And I'll finally have you.

But in my heart,

I know that'll never happen.

But that's ok.

I can watch you from afar.

I'll always have my wants and wishes.