The Mysterious Old Lady

She is alone now.

She is alone forever.

Why is she alone, you ask.

Because, I tell you.

The year will be 2090.

The place will be Jennings, Louisiana.

She will be the mysterious old lady in the big spooky old house.

The one with all those black cats.

The one that smiles at you just a little bit when you walk by,

While she's sitting her old creaky porch sewing.

And then when the old man will jog by with his wife,

Like they do every day,

And she'll stare for a moment,

But only for a moment,

And before she turns away,

Back to her sewing,

You'll see a look of pain in her face,

In her eyes,

And then she'll look away.

You'll look from her to the old man his wife,

Back and forth,

Back and fourth,

You'll look as they pass by the old lady's house.

And as you do,

The mysterious old lady just sits there,

And she'll swing on her porch swing.

Back and forth,

Back and forth.

You'll wonder why she sits there and looks at them every day.

And then you'll realize-

That years ago,

Oh so many years ago,

She had everything.


She had it all.



Everything anyone could've ever wished for.

And yet,

You'll realize,

That she was never happy.

You'll realize that she,

The mysterious old lady,

Would always watch the old man,

Ever since they were young,

She would watch him.

And then she would watch him as they both grew older,

To where they are now.

And then,

You'll hear the other children talking.

They'll say that the mysterious old lady,

Is evil.

They'll say that the mysterious old lady is a witch.

You'll be afriad.

You'll be scared.

But you'll be curious.

And your curiousocity will get the better of you.

And so,

One day,

After the old man and his wife have passed,

You wait a few minutes.

Just to see what the mysterious old lady does.

And she gets up,

Her many black cats moving so she can walk.

She goes to the yard in front of the house,

To the garden.

The one with the many unknown plants.

She begins to garden.

You decide that this is the time.

You go up the mysterious old lady.

She hears your footsteps,

And she looks up at you.

You then ask her why.

Why she watches the old man and his wife pass by everyday.

And why it hurts her to look at them and their happiness.

Then the mysterious old lady will put her plants in her basket.

She'll pick it up.

And then she'll say,

In her old crackily voice,

"Follow me, child."

You'll hesitate.

But you'll decide to follow her into the old house.

The cats will all stare at you,

Their heads and eyes following you in unison.

And then she'll take you into the house.

It is old and beautiful,

You'll realize.

She'll tell you that this house was where her grandmother grew up and she built off it.

And then she'll tell you that the locket around her neck,

Was her great-grandmothers.

Along with the ring she wears.

She'll you that it was her great-grandmother's engagement ring.

Then the mysterious old lady will you the story of her life.

About her fame.

About her dreams.

About the old man.

About the love she never had.

You ask her if the rumors of her being a witch are true.

She tells you that they are.

She tells you not to report her to the athorities, please.

You tell her that this kind of thing rather fascinates you.

She asks you if you would like to learn.

You say you would.

Over the next 10 years she teaches you many things.


On the dawn of 30th centry,

You'll be 13.

She'll tell you that you must never fall in love.

No matter what.

You'll tell her that you'll try your hardest.

Then she'll tell you that she'll give you all her belongings when she passes on.

The mysterious old lady will then shoo you out the door and tell you you must go home now.

You'll be walking home.

And it'll start to rain.

You'll hurry home.


Just as you get inside,

You'll see the first strike of lightening.

You'll then realize that something has happened.

Something that will change everything forever.

You then remember the last thing the mysterious old lady will have told you before you'll have left.

She'll have told you to tell the world the story of her life.

The next day,

You'll turn on the TV.

You'll see the man and he'll say,

"Elizabeth Morgan was found dead at midnight last night. It appears that the old popstar who, by the way, lived to be just a few months over 1005. Apparently, Elizabeth knew she was going to be found quickly, since her will was in her hand."

He'll say that they'd like you to come to their address, as it'll say in her will that you'll be the one to take all her belongings.