What Love Is

Love is beauty.

Love is horrible.

Love is torture.

Love is what we can't control.

Love is crazy.

Love is to be locked inside a cage in the dark and not being able to find the key.

Love is the thing that will be the downfall of us all.

Love is to sit alone on park bench in the rain.

Love is to stare at that person for hours and hours and never get bored.

Love is to try and focus on what you're supposed to be doing but not be able to because you can't keep your mind off of them.

Love is to cry and cry when they're with someone else but ignoring your feelings and keep going so they can be happy.

Love is to dream of them day and night.

Love is not what we want it to be.

Love is disastorous.

It can never end beautifully.

It can never end how we want it to.

In the end we all get our hearts broken.

Torn to pieces.

It is something we cannot do anything about.

Love is cruel to us.

Love does crazy things to your mind.

It'll make you do things you wouldn't normally do.

It'll make you lose your sanity.

Love will get us all in a mental hospital.

Love is what it is.

There is nothing we can do about it.

We can not illiminate it.

It is there now.

It will be there tomarrow and forever afterwards.