Girls With Figures

This is a message to all of the girls

With figures they resent.


My sisters,

Remember that you are not the only ones

Who are the way you are.

I am that way also.

I also hate my body.

Many girls,

Who do not have what we do,

WIsh they did have it,

They envy us.

Because they want all the boys to give them attention.

But they don't know

What we have to go through,

What we're forced to tolerate.

We can hardly run,

We can hardly jump.

And because of this,

We're made fun of,

By those who do not understand.

Those who don't understand

That we only get attention because of our bodies,

We can never tell if a boy wants us for who we are,

Or what we look like.


To those of you girls,

Girls with figures,


That you're not the only ones.

And to those other girls,

Who don't have figures,

I hope that you've learned
That a lot of us hate it.

And to all you boys,

Who just clicked on this because of the title,

Remember to please,


Don't ask a girl out unless you like her for who she is,

Not what she looks like.

And now you know more than you did before

About girls with figures.