That Girl

The girl with the unknown name.

The girl who went insane.

The girl who broke.

The girl who cried.

The girl who died.

All for you.

She's not the same girl

She used to be.

She's not the same person

She used to be.

If she's even a person at all.

She became who she is now,

What she is now,

All because of you.

But what is she,

You ask.

I tell you that

Who she was before,

What she was before she met you,
Before she saw you.

She was a girl.

A young girl,

Innocent and sweet.

She had all but you

Tripping on their own feet.

But she didn't care for them.


It wasn't them she wanted.

They'd stare as she walked by,

But they could never catch her eye.

She tried to act beautiful,

Tried to act free.

For awhile,

She even passed for happy.

I may not look like that girl,

I may not act like that girl,

But that doesn't mean I'm not that girl.

That's the girl

You don't want.

That's the girl

You obliviously taunt.

Tell her you don't love her,

Even though she already knows.

Tell her you don't want her,

Even though she's ready to go.

She doesn't want to be that girl.

The girl who falls apart.

But she can't change the fact that

You broke her heart.

Don't say that it's not true,

Don't try to tell her what to do.

She can't help how she feels.

She loves you,

And theres nothing you can do about it.

That girl is me.