The Costume Party

Walk into the room.

There are decorations

And bright colours.

Every being wears elaborate attire,

With a beautiful mask covering their face.

Welcome to the costume party,

Where people pretend to be something they're not.

Different characters,

Different people.

Different personality perceptions.

Dancing and talking.

Gossiping and hiding.

Peaceful but mysterious.

The people are quiet

But the music is loud.

Walking and breathing

In time and rhythm to the music.

Keep with your character,

Stay away from yourself.

Smile or frown,

Spirits up or spirits down,

Lock your true self away

From the rest of the party.

Smiling and laughing,

The costumes twirl.

Keep your head up high,

Don't let the party die.

Keep to yourself,

Or stay with the others.

But don't get lost

In all the commotion,

Guide yourself through

The thick mass of people.

You're tired and hungry,

Lost and alone.

You just want to go home.