Spittin' Image

A son finds his father after being alone
Alone for so long, day and night he’s been gone
Singin’ sad songs and doggone his mother and father had a bone
A bone to pick about whose child he was and where he belongs which was wrong
So one day the son finally finds his father to his mother’s dismay
Today was the day with feelings in disarray as the father begins to say
“So who do you think is wrong? Whose side do you belong?”
The son said, “I belong on the same side both of you are on.”
He continued: “Of both of you I’m the spittin’ image.”
“I’m part of your heritage; I’m of your lineage.”
“Askin’ me to take side will only cause carnage.”
“All that will manage is to cause havoc and damage.”
“Mom’s offense, you’re defense, but your using me as the line of scrimmage.”
“You’re tellin’ me to be the divider when I can be the bandage.”
“I’m not here to tear apart a beautiful marriage.”
“I’m not saying you are right or wrong, but I won’t help the wreckage.”
“I’ll only abide if you two are allies and complied instead of collide.”
“Do you know how many tears I’ve cried on my bedside?”
“Hearing your voices rise made me cringe inside.”
“And each time one of you walked out, emotionally I die.”
“Choosing sides will mean committing homicide.”
“And I won’t choose a side; I’d rather keep my hands tied.”
“My stance is in the middle, I’m on the fence, playin it neutral.”
“You asked me whose side I’m on then let me be truthful.”
“I’ll say this once and I’ll say this clearly.”
“I’m on my side because I love you both dearly.”
The mother and father looked into each others eyes.
The tears of joy they begin to cry as they realize.
He was supporting both of them, bridging the breakage and being the carriage
His love for them was abundant and full of flowage
They all embrace each other no longer wanting to cause blockage
Both looking him up and down, they can see he was their spittin’ image.