Man All Alone

Three and a half years
It took so long
Got what I wanted
But now it's all wrong

Coked up playing guitar
You're not who you say you are
Pushing me to play your games
Everything changed,
Your just not the SAME.

You're not the boy that I first saw
not the boy I met.
You're not the boy I spent my time with
no fairytale ending yet.
You're not the boy I would talk to for hours
no more falling asleep on the phone.
You're not the boy, who I fell in love with
Just a man who's all alone.

You could always make me smile
with a look, a word or a touch.
Made me feel like I was on top of the world
But choosing her was just to much.
You broke my heart, before you knew it was YOURS

Now three and a half years later you're here but . . .

You're not the boy that I first saw
not the boy I met.
You're not the boy I spent my time with
no fairytale ending yet.
You're not the boy I would talk to for hours
no more falling asleep on the phone.
You're not the boy, who I fell in love with
Just a man who's all alone.

I may have you now
But it's just not the same
You are who you are but I won't play the game
So take your drugs and drink your life away
I'll be there until the end,
As nothing more than a friend.

You're not the boy that I first saw
not the boy I met.
You're not the boy I spent my time with
no fairytale ending yet.
You're not the boy I would talk to for hours
no more falling asleep on the phone.
You're not the boy, who I fell in love with
Just a man who's all alone.

I've got hopes and dreams you know
one day soon I'll make a name for myself
A house a car, my own family
I'm gonna have it all.

In the past if you asked me
Who I wanted to be there with me
I would have said you.
But with you now It feels so wrong
I find my answer's changed

You're not the boy that I first saw
not the boy I met.
You're not the boy I spent my time with
no fairytale ending yet.
You're not the boy I would talk to for hours
no more falling asleep on the phone.
You're not the boy, who I fell in love with
Just a man who's all alone.

You're not the boy I fell in love with,
Just a man who's all alone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thursday March 18th, 2010 11:43pm.

trying to sleep and All I could think about was how wrong things seem right now, no clue what I'm doing anymore but I'm glad I had a pen and a notebook so I could write this out, I lose a lot of good stuff just cause I forget cause I have nowhere to write it down cause It always comes to my when I'm trying to get to sleep.

Comments are loved, questions too, I try to answer what I can.

Much Love Reality.... <3