
I lay and cry,
Wishing the burning would cease.
Stuck in this enternal fire,
Where no one can hear me.
Demons mock me,
But they insantly die away.
A firgure in black,
With black feathered wings stands there,
Blade in hand.
Smiling at me, reaching for me.
But how would he see?
See through all my enternal darkness?
"I am darkness" he replies,
Then he frowns.
His face, beautiful, Trusting.
I take his hand,
He pulls me close,
His wings covering us both.
And suddenly,
He whispers,
"Your safe now love..."
Surrounded by crystalclear water,
We glow together.
And as i look down, deep into the water,
I see a girl with glissening blue eyes,
White feathered wings,
And a graceful figure holding her.
I saw my Savior, examining him closely.
I saw...Me and Zach intwine,
Two Angels.
Two PLaces.
We Are The Light and Darkness.
Together we are One.