sad but true.....

Why am I like this?
So down all the time
I can't stand it
My mates miss the girl I used to be
Full of energy fun to be around
And loving life like there was
No tomorrow
But I changed
I changed in a bad way
They don’t know me
I scared them
With what I did
They didn’t really like the way
I changed...
I become depressed
And really listen to them
They turned away
And made me feel lonely
I have scars inside
And on the outside
It hurts inside
I bleed for hours on end
Crying my heart out in the
Middle of the football ground
In the middle of the night
Trying to find same hope
And since of direction
A friend who would listen
And not walk away
They said they loved me
They said they wore always there for me
They called me the depressed girl
The one who changed in a bad way?
The one who has no hope?
Who doesn’t know who she is anymore?
The lonely girl...