What Has She?

Blue to Crimson and Black
Her eyes change colour
Form tan to pale
Her skin tone weakens....
Her once beautifully carved teeth
Now jagged and snow white
What has she become?

Her thoughts now clouded
By the taste of a glorious reward
A reward that is warm and pleasant
As she drinks and it flows down her throat
She then realises what she has done
So her heart begins to melt
What has she done?

Blood has been spilt
For her simple existance
She weeps at the deed done
Though no tears are shed
Beauty divine through murder
Eyes, always changing, filled with greif
What will happen when she is gone?

And so she has fled
Though in the night
No longer will bodies be found
It is but her sweet sacrifice
To leave is to stay in danger divine
The loss is great
What will she become?
♠ ♠ ♠
this my friend and i in real life wrote together...