I wonder

I wonder why I prefer night to day.
I wonder why sometimes I wished my life was different in every single way.

I wonder why I believed him when he said he thought he loved me.
I wonder why I cried over him, when all he did was leave me empty.

I wonder why I love summer and spring and hate the cold.
I wonder what life will be like when I grow up and become old.

I wonder if things will be better, or worse.
I wonder if I'll ever get to be normal under this forsake curse.

I wonder why I'm scared when I think about the future.

I wonder if I'll be okay, cause I know I'll break down if I'm not doing something I love.
I wonder if I'll ever be the one to be loved.

I wonder if life really does have meaning and if I'll ever find mine.
I wonder when the day will come when I'm simply out of time.

I wonder if one day I'll meet the person who actually goes through with the promise to treat me the way I know I deserve to be treated.

I wonder if I'll ever see my childhood crush again.
I wonder if I'll ever get the chance to tell him, he was my best friend.

I wonder what he's doing, and if he even remembers me.
I wonder if remembers his last words that he had told me.

I wonder a lot of things to pass the time when I'm all alone.
I wonder if I'll still do this..

When I'm all grown up and in my own home....