I'm Scared.

I'm scared of the thought that this might be my last night alive.

I'm scared that world might really end.

I'm scared I'll never find the person who would love me.

I'm scared that I won't pass school like everyone else.

I'm scared I'll lose my mom when I need her the most.

I'm scared that I won't grow up the way I plan it.

I'm scared to have children in the future because of my diabetes.

I'm scared that I'll pass it on to my baby because it's genetic.

I'm scared it'll have to go through what I did.

I'm scared that when I'm older, I won't be happy.

I'm scared that I wont get the chance to fully find myself.

I'm scared there really is a hell.

I'm scared my world will one day just simply fall apart.

I'm scared that one day everything will keep living on except....my heart.