
The whispers of the wind are swirling around me
Trying to lure me to join their horrid ways
I hold tighter to myself, hoping to escape their pull
Their caress is like a drug, my soul's personal drug
Like it was made for my core, just for me, no one else
I can feel my humanity slipping away
I can feel myself losing the grip on the only thing I've ever known
And the worst part is, is that I want
I want to join those tempting whispers of the night
I want to be one of them
So, I do.....
I let my soul become free from its confinements
I let myself go slowly
Morphing into something new
Something different
Something with more freedom
Something that is more me than my human self
So, I left my body lying on a deserted road
In the midnight of nowhere
The whispers no longer pulling at my old form
They have everything they want now
They have me and I have them
And I become like them, enticing people to join me in the night.......
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't really know what I was going through when I wrote this :P