You are my divine muse, my secret, wild id-love,

You are my divine muse,
my secret, wild id-love.

when I look up, the stars are truly there

I can feel you in the sky

you are so palpable

you are what holds the electrons
of this galaxy in constant awe
so that they drink in energy to the full
and release that energy as light
trying to crush closer to you
you set everything alight

I don't care what they say

the universe is imploding.

every star sung itself into existence
to find a home in your eyes
and when you cry
they streak, evicted, bloodily from the sky.

all the waves and electric currents
with their impossible cosmos to cross;
shuddering through air or over thin wires
a nudge of your shoulderblades
sends them safely home.

I am stricken time and time again

dark matter in the strands in your hairbrush
the pale nebulae of your breath on winter mornings

when you hung the moon
had ever you any idea
it would move
men wolves and oceans