The Only Difference Between You and I Is...

So you're at home
Feeling all alone
While I'm out there
In the middle of nowhere
And the difference between us
Isn't time or place
The only difference is
That I have my drug
Spread across my gums
To make me totally numb

They said it was a coward's way out
And you still sit alone
Suffering; alone; in your own blood
And I can't feel a thing anymore
I see you in pain
I walk away
Feeling nothing; numb
You scream out for help
Wanting out as the fun's just begun
I hear; I see; I comprehend
But I don't care
Time or place
It doesn't matter
Because the only difference
Between us
Is that I have my drug
Spread across my gums
To make me totally numb

I tried to show you
All those times
Never the less
There you are again
Suffering; alone; in pain
I offered you a way out
A way to stop the feelings
Don't you want to be
Never worry;
Don't you want to be numb
Never having to feel again
To be alone; in pain; suffering
It would end
If only you'd take my hand
But the only difference between you and I
Isn't time; space;
The only difference is
That I have my drug
Spread across my gums
To make me feel totally numb
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