I am not afraid to keep on living

When we are born
We are innocent.
We are a one time creation
From out mother and father.

As we get older,
We learn and progress.
We all become our own person
And make our own mistakes.

The older we get
The more mistakes we seem to make.
We learn from those mistakes.
But then the mistakes become problems.

Then the problems
Turn into fights,
With loved ones such as parents and friends.
Both f them can hurt and do damage.

Finally those fights
Become losses.
Those losses can be more pain ful
Then anything else.

Everyone loses people
That they love
Thoughout their life time.
For many differnet reasons.

But we all have to get though it.
No matter how much it hurts.
There's always people willing to help
And who actually care.

Weather it mgiht be
Parents, friends, or even teachers.
Live life at it's fullest,
Live life the best you can.