Falling For a Lie

Everyone falls for it
Falls for the image the posers put out there
Hoping you’ll be naïve enough
To believe
It’s even them.

You see what they put out
And all you think is
Otherwise your head’s in the clouds
And it can’t be taken out
Leaving you in a place
You can’t think right.

Right now you’re a
That’s what I’m gonna call you
Even though I say
No never I would never fall for it
I just became a hypocrite
By saying that.
Can you deal with it?
Better yet,
Can I deal with it?
Deal with the fact,
I fell for a liar
An image
And once it came out,
There was no turning back.

Lying on the cold pavement
Beneath the blood
Coming from the cuts caused
From the impact of the fall.
And I don’t see the image
I was once introduced to
To help me back up
I see a cold figure
Aiming at me
About ready to take everything I have left.

The cold figure
Is taking my innocence,
Ability to feel ever again,
And it’s main target
Is taking my life.