Lays on her bed

She lays on her bed, thoughts running loose
Sick of the physical and emotional abuse
Her mother hits her but shows no remorse
Fists are flying and she covers her head
Hoping that maybe tonight she’ll end up dead
Her brother screams but does nothing
She wishes he would do something
She goes to her room and nurses her bruise
The knife or the razor? Which will she choose?
She grabs the razor and watches the blood flow
She grits her teeth as she cuts deep and slow
A satisfied smile reaches her face
The razor goes back in its rightful place
She stares transfixed as the blood rushes down
Hopefully her depression, in blood it will drown
She lays in her bed trying to stop the tears so no one hears her weep
The next day she wakes up and prepares for school
Glad to get away from those who are cruel

Walking into her house, her mother starts to shout
But she walks to her room and blocks it out
She has a mission that she will achieve
After tonight, she is planning to leave
She lays on her bed, waiting for the right moment
To end all of her pain and torment
He can hear her screaming but does not listen
She wipes away her tears as they start to glisten
Turning some music up she gets off of her bed
And thinks about the things She had always said
She told her she was worthless and ugly, and just a lost cause
Why couldn’t she just accept her and all of her flaws
She reaches in her drawer, passes the razor, and the knife
She doesn’t want to cut, she wants to end her life
Her hand closes around the object and she brings it into view
Now there is only one thing left to do
She lays in her bed and starts to cry
No need for a letter, no need for good bye
The cold metal is reassuring as she holds it close
No one understood why she was so sad and morose
She takes the gun and presses it to her head
Blood soaks her sheets as she lays on her bed