Feet Off The Ground

Remnants of regret and unspoken words so simple,
Traces of those memories have got my brain stuffed full.
It seems this world has begun to rot along with me,
Not a single fruit left on our once beautiful guava tree.

But yet you do not come over the fence and sit by my side,
Hiding in the shade I refuse to believe these thoughts are lies.
Convincing and yelling will push me no where now,
I think that being alone will teach me what misery is about.

A friend is not exactly what I need to stand up on my feet,
But I do need someone to hold me and lead me down the street.
When denying to believe has taught my smile to falter,
It's not so easy to change and get up to embrace life as altered.

The house across the gate is empty and close to desolation,
When it opens my anger turns to disappointment with realization.
Because he is not the one I want and need to sit by my side,
He is only here to call me insane for never losing this pride.

Leaving is the only option open for a change,
So when he goes I think about how your absence is so strange,
That no matter how long you've been gone, never to return,
My mind would not accept the facts until put into words.

But somehow I take a breath and let go of these chains,
And the tears finally come with so many emotions unnamed.
Maybe I'm supposed to stay while you slowly travel on,
But how can I be at peace when I finally realize you're gone?