There’s this guy
He doesn’t know I even exist
I see him everyday
Walking through the halls
He doesn’t know
That I’m watching him with his friends
All I am to him is a friend
We talk a lot
I wish I could tell him
Tell him how I wish we could be more
He would never go for that though
We used to be more then friends
A while ago but not now
He’s to cool to notice
How I look at him
He’s to busy with his friends
To notice me
Just another thing I
Have to keep hidden from the world
Couple days later
I see you sitting across the room
I see you looking at me
I wish you could understand
Understand what you mean to me
I keep glancing at you
All I see is you staring at me
Do you know how I feel about you?
I see you mouthing words to me
I can just understand what you are saying
You are saying “I like you too”
I fall for it we are now going out
I let my friends know
They all say “he’s just using you”
I don’t listen to them
I know that you are not just using me
We go out on a date
Everything goes fine
I tell my friends what happened
They all want to know if I’m still a virgin
I say “of course”
They tell me to be careful of this guy
I tell them that they have nothing to worry about
Noting is going to happen to me
My friend Courtney invites me over to her house
To meet her 18 year old cousin and for a party
I didn’t expect anything to happen
I met Courtney’s cousin and his 23 year old best friend Richard
They were all drinking alcohol
I didn’t want any
They asked me to go make some Kool-aid
So I went and made some
I forgot to grab my mountain dew
I didn’t think they would do anything to it
They spiked my mountain dew with alcohol before I got back
They got me drunk
So that Richard could have his way with me
I was rapped that night
I lost everything I had
I lost everything I didn’t want to lose that soon
I thought it was my fault
I didn’t tell anyone for quite a while
Not even my best friend
I didn’t know what to so
I kept it hidden from the world
I didn’t want anyone to know
It was all my fault
I finally told someone
They told me it wasn’t my fault
I wanted to believe them
I just couldn’t
It’s been five years since this has happened
I’m 18 now
And I still think it’s my fault
I lost every guy I have told except one
I’m 18 and still can’t get over it
I’m scared to get close to anyone
Because of what happened
I’m scared to let it all out
I’m scared that one day I will just take my life
It’s been five years almost six
It’ll be six years August 29
I can’t take it anymore
I feel so alone
Here it goes
One cut down the middle of my arm follow the road
Like they always say
WAIT…..I don’t want to do this
It’s too late
I can feel my life slipping away
NO…go back
I don’t want to die not yet
No one is coming
No one would care
My life is almost gone
One last breath two of I’m lucky
I hear foot steps
Someone is coming
Did they hear me?
It’s my best friend
She’s crying
She called 911
She yells at me
I tell her that I won’t not yet
I’m in the ambulance
The paramedics are working fast
My best friend is in the ambulance with me holding my hand
I hear a loud screeching noise
I know I’m about to die
I take one last breath……then I die
I wake up in the ICU
WAIT….what happened
I’m alive…I’m breathing
The only person I see is my new boyfriend
He tells me my family is eating
They left him alone here with me just in case I woke up
He tells me “I didn’t know what I would do if you died”
I tell him I’m sorry and that he’s the only thing keeping me alive
I’m stuck in the hospital for three months
Two days before I’m supposed to get out
My boyfriend and I get in a fight and break up
He tells me he can’t deal with having a psycho girlfriend
It’s midnight
I know what going to happen
I’m going to die tonight
I write my suicide note
This is what it says……
Dear friends and family I’m sorry I had to leave you guys.
I wish I could tell you why I killed myself but I can’t
Because it hurts so bad and I don’t want you guys
Going through the same pain I had to go through.
I know how much me leaving you guys hurts but
I had to go and for that I leave you guys with my last words
I lay the note in the bed side table
I cut down the healed scars
The same place I tried to kill my self the first time
Yet again I feel my life slipping away
But this time I do want to die
I take one last breath
And as I lay in the hospital bed
I look over and I see my
Now ex boyfriend in the door way
He comes closer
And I can tell he’s crying
He looks in my eyes
I whisper my last words…
I’m sorry my love but I have to leave you now.