What Is It Like To Be You

I want to see the world in your eyes. I'd give anything to walk in your shoes, to feel, know what it's like to be you. Your scars interest me, they show me what you been through.
I want your memory, to know how your life went, from beginning to end. These people will never know the real you, neither will I, unless I'm you. The day will end and soon will my plea, but i just can't help it, I want to see. Everyone loves you! your bright, happy and you don't care what they think, I want to be you.
Before you leave this waste land, tell me what it was like for you. How did you grow into,
this careless, amazing you. They say we think the same, but I don't think so. Your mind is unique, when I look in your eyes I see black orbs, what do you see in mine?
What is it like to be you?
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please tell me what you think i'm entering it in a contest and i want it to win
if you comment skitties and coffee for all!:)