My Far Away Wish

I love you but I dont want to
I miss you but i cant kiss you
my head is goin around and around
but the answer will never be found
if things were diffrent would you hold me
if I looked like her would we finally be
i don't know how to explain this feelin
theres suttin missin
its been like this for too long
I keep singing that stupid love song
my heart wont let go
but you'll never know
theres tears running down my face
and my heart starts to race
I can't help it when i think of you
if only you felt it too
I know this feelin too well,
I tried and tried but i still fell,
I crashed like a car
and wished on a star
but your still too far
♠ ♠ ♠
i tend 2 write alot of love sick poems that rhyme...its pretty much the only type of poem i can write that doesn't come out like poop xp