The List.

The Lulls.

Screaming his name in a whisper.

The Lies.

Bleeding with truth in remembrance.

The Lust.

Weakened by beauty, wrapped a soul to possess.

The Life.

A smile worn dull, heart breaking in beat.

The Lost.

Tears rolling slow, because sick is the sentence.

The Lesson.

Tuning lit eyes through vague pain.

The Lurks.

Pasts swollen secrets a puppets display.

The Last.

Glimpse of an angel, lying limp on the floor.

The Lunacy.

Ripping your morals, seeing stars through no night.

The Letter.

Scratched by the remains of a final regret.

The Light.

In this such despair, we draw one simple breath.

The Ledge.

Take a leap, for the allusion of forgiving.

The Love.

To the grave, to get back what you never claimed yours.