Suffering Silence

Suffering in silence as the clock slowly chimes
As the guilty walk away from their heinous crimes
Innocent are locked up and the key is thrown
While the real culprit is hidden, his name unknown
Streets are littered with bodies of the broken
Tape over the mouths of those who are outspoken
Hush, don’t speak don’t let out a moan
Words are like daggers, cutting to the bone
Knives dripping blood and raw emotion
Get on your knees and pray with devotion
Blood in the streets, and blood in your veins
Shackled to the wall by lies and chains
Bite on your lip and squeeze your eyes tight
You can’t bear to look, you’re riddled with fright
Wandering spirits, not awake or asleep
Wandering demons, slowly they creep
Push on the walls that encase your mind
Rely not on love, for it is blind
Heighten your senses and see in the dark
Create a fire, but don’t light a spark
Do not be seen on the streets at night
If you hear foot steps, you better take flight
Darkened alleyways with fear and hate
Hidden daggers that lurk and wait
Whispering voices that won’t go away
Ones that mock you when you bow and pray
God won’t save you, you can’t be saved
Just give yourself over and become enslaved
Let in all the anger, and all the pain
Dance in the streets while blood starts to rain