Silent Killer

You never know
when I'm gonna go,
I'm like a ticking bomb
ready to explode
i stay so calm
because I'm afraid
that if i change
a body would be laid
Under the ground
deep beneath the dirt
where nothing hurts
nothing making matters worse
then what they already are
nothing to take too far
where there's no judgment for who we are
or how we lay
there is nothing to say
just silence
and skin withering away
I stay calm
because I'm afraid
that if i lose it
bodies would be laid
Under the ground
not making a sound
Only the remains found.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not exactly how I feel
But based on how i feel sometimes.
I don't want to kill anybody, it's just... you know how when you get really mad but can't say anything and you want to take your anger out on someone or something? Well that's how I felt when i made this.

Comment please? :)