Freakish Dreams

When i want to go to bed
It's always a time i dread.
The freakish dreams
That make me scream.
I never know what will be there.
Wether it might be creatures flying thought the air,
Or serpents slithering through the trees.
Maybe even physco killers that make me freeze.
Running away from lurking things,
I always here bells ping and ding.
I run here and there.
I run for away from anywhere.
In my dreams there are trees walking
And buildings stalking.
Mysterious creatures of my imagination
Or even ones that are oh so real creations.
Every night i try to hide like a little mouse
That's stuck in a big, old, scary house.
The freakish dreams
that make me scream.
Every single lurking night
Gives me a fright.
When i wake up i have no clue
What i will ever do.