Watching The Rain

I sit on the sill
And watch the rain fall
I take out a notebook
And write my last thoughts
I set it by my pillow
And grab my knife
I walk to the bathroom
And lock the door
I look out the window
And see the rain
I feel a tear fall and look at the ceiling
I bring my arm up and swallow
"I'm Sorry"
Was my last words,
Before I jabbed the knife to my heart
And end my life listening to the rain
I sit across from my mom
As she shuffles through my papers
She sees my notes
She shakes her head
I sigh and watch in pain
"Why" Is all she asks
I shrug and turn my head
It's raining outside
I wish I could walk out and play
"Aiden Pay Attention"
She says
I turn back and she shows me a picture
It's of a blackened heart, with chains
I smile remembering when I drew that
She dismisses me and I walk to my room
I look over to Sammy's house
And see her bedroom light is on
I see her bathroom on too
I question and walk out to her home
Her mom let's me in and I walk up
I see a note on her sill next to her fave pillow
I read it and it says
Dear Aiden
I'm sorry for the way I've been,
I needed time to think
And no one would give
I went over bored,
Look in the bathroom
And you'll see me
Bloody and cold on the floor
With a knife in my hand
I'm sorry will be my last words
I run to the room and see her on the floor
Cold and dead
I cry and sit by her
"I'm sorry" I said and jab the knife in my arm
I fall and see the blood spill out
I smile and lay on Sammy
Finally happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's a story in a poem thing. It sucks NO HATE COMMENT OR MAIL!!! But please comment and tell me what you think.

Toxic Grip