The Bracelet (You)

Today was a bad day.

Out of all the things that happened,

This one was the worst.

It broke. They were everywhere.

The little beads fell off the string.

Just seeing them scattered around, brought tears to my eyes.

I wanted to cry my eyes out. It was such a sad sight to see.

That was the only thing I had left of you.

I remembered that day you gave me it.

The little bracelet, with pink beads on them, is gone.

Just like you.

You were my real best friend.

You were like me, not like everybody else.

We had great times, but you moved.

We haven’t talked in forever.

That bracelet you gave me was the only reminder of you.

Now it’s gone just like you.

Why can’t I have a friend that’ll last more than two years?

Why did you have to leave? Why couldn’t you stay longer?

When the bracelet broke, was it a sign? A good or bad one?

I miss you, Hun.