Pull Push

I knew this was going to happen.
Stop talking to me.
Talk to me.
Make up your mind.
Don't make up your mind.
I'm on the edge of my seat.

But I know it was bound to happen.
I just never expected it to be so soon.

Keep me in the dark.
Keep me in the light.
Whichever you do,
it leaves me hanging and
wanting more.

Do it.
Don't do it.
Maybe it will be better if
nothing happened.
But it did.
And I can't just ignore it.

I like you.
I don't like you.
You like me.
You don't like me.
You know my faults and
I know yours.

Is it really that simple? or can it be
that it is way more complicated than
we expected it to be?

Why can't you look at me anymore?
Or do I just not notice?

You just can't look at me anymore,
can you?

You say that you never regret.
But you regret me.
The way that we never talk.
The way that you never look at me.
The feeling when we're in the same room
and I feel like a ghost.

and tell me you don't regret what you felt.

It would have been better if nothing happened.
Maybe I can ignore it.
But all along,
I always knew this was going to happen.