Only after you feel, can you understand.

He pushed me through the door, shut it behind him, and suddenly, we're no longer at the party.
It was only the two of us, in our own world.
I ask him why he took me away.
He looked at me with teary eyes and said that he needed me, now more than ever.
Outside of that door, in another world, I heard the voices of happy souls, laughing and giggling.
I questioned him.
Deceiving, he tells me, don't trust any of them. It's all an act.. He never loved me. None of them did.
I'm sorry, I said.
And then, I no longer heard the laughter or giggles. I heard the hatred, the pain they were all so desperately trying to get rid of.
It's all an act.
Why, he cries out.
I offer him a hand to hold.
Our skin touched, we were as one.
We felt what the other felt, we understood.
He stared into my eyes.
He says, thank you.
In reply, I leaned over and lightly kissed his lips.
You know, they might not love you, but I do, I always have.
He kissed me back.
We understood.