
The crimson sunset bleeds into black.

Demons prepare their next mental attack.

Into your body, demons are slammed.

You’re joining the rest of the restless and damned.

Rest your head against your soft pillows.

While many of us rest under the weeping willows.

Turn off the light, hush, close your eyes.

Block out the sounds as a loved one dies.

Sometimes it’s just too much to take.

You bend under pressure and finally break.

Hush, don’t cry, try and be brave.

The dark is the master, you are the slave.

Feel the whip bite deep into your skin.

Why does it feel like living is a sin?

Fall to your knees and say a prayer.

But all you’ll get is more pain and despair.

Your desperate pleas fall upon deaf ears.

From out of the dark, creeps all of your fears.

Lay on down and pull the covers up tight.

Nothing can stop these thoughts at night.

Grab your pillow and let loose a scream.

Wipe the tears away as they start to stream.

Hold you breath and let it out slow.

Is this all real? Do you even know?

You should relax and get some rest.

Quiet the pounding inside your chest.

One, two, count your heart beats.

Grab on tight to your bed sheets.

Gasp for breath as the air disappears.

Close your eyes tight and stop the tears.

Slam your fists hard against your bed.

Cover your ears and hold your head

Your eyes get heavy as you slip away.

Some demons leave and others stay.

The crimson sunrise bleeds out the night.

Prepare yourself for another fight.