Unfinished Business

Running as fast as i can,
I know i am free,
Running with the wind,
For as far as i can see,
I run from the sun,
Forever towards the dark,
Shall i shelter in the house,
No, I'll shelter under an ark,
Always in the shadows,
I have watched you,
To touch your skin,
Would be a dream come true.
But i can not lay,
A finger on your skin,
For you are protected,
By a magic from within.
With your guardian angel,
Always there,
I have watched and loathed,
With venom i stare.
The white wings incase your frame,
The silk hair a barrier,
It is as if this angel,
Is a secret carrier.
She cares for you now,
She cares when your asleep,
I can try and feel you,
But all i can do is peep.
Now the sun has come,
I must lay down,
I need to get my strength,
As i don't like to frown,
As the sun hurts my eyes,
And burns my skin,
I must rest now,
For tonight i will be in your inn.
The battle has come,
You must face your demon,
Your angel can't protect you always,
You need your freedom.
I shall rip them wings from you,
I shall watch the feathers fall,
I shall watch the silk hair flow,
And the angel crawl,
Begging for my mercy,
Begging for you to live,
But that my dear boy,
I can not give.
You see my friend,
You were never meant to be,
You were a mistake,
Someone not meant to be free,
You are meant to be dead,
Buried long ago,
Buried with your family,
For my schedule shall flow.
I should have killed you then,
When you were a baby,
But my dead black heart could not do it,
Where as now i can, Maybe.
I am your demon,
Your stalker at night,
The one in the shadows,
I am your fright.
The sun has now set,
And i must rise,
For i have a duty,
And i do not want lies.
I shall kill you now,
As i approach your room,
I am stood behind you,
Your angel is in doom,
My fangs rip your throat,
Your blood flows free,
I have done my duty,
Now i can be.