My so called 'fairytale'

Now, where should I start?
This story is so long. I don’t know the beginning
It may take a minute to explain what happened
But, it took me years to live the fairytale

You were leaning on your car, with a cigarette in hand
The bad boy of the school, with all his grace
And like everyday , I disgustingly passed you by
And cringed at the aurora of cockiness surrounding you

Down in the hallways, everybody talking about you
Girls swooning and flirting as you walked past them
I looked from behind my glasses, and watched you pass
You winked, and smirked, and went off to class

A year later I was lying in your arms
I was deeply, madly in love with you
I still don’t understand how you managed to get my heart
How you manage to make me fall for it so fast

Now, I regret it, I regret everything
I regret every single moment I spent with you
As I lay now in my bed, gripping the cold sheets after you left
I concentrate on the drips of blood that I earlier shed

You won your bet, you can now show it off
You finally got me, after all those tries
I still can’t believe I gave myself to you
I can’t get how I believed all of your lies

To you I was a toy, a target you wanted to hit
A bet you had with your hormone-crazed friends
I was your prey, that willingly put herself under your knife
I was the naive little virgin, you wanted to get

You played me for a whole year, when I really thought you changed
I thought I saw a real human underneath that cover of yours
But I was wrong, and unfortunately blinded
I’m really sorry I was blinded by my love to you

Yesterday when I finally had my 16th birthday
I’ll always remember it as the worst day in my life
The day when I discovered how fooled I was by you
The day when I willingly lost myself to you