Down the Drain

Best friends 4ever
Silly nick names
Fun for all
I got ur back and u got mine
That's how it seemed
Then slowly ever thing changed
I saw the differences that no one else saw
The way he looked at me with hatred in his eyes
But u were blind
Every one saw it but u
When i said screw u i wasn't mad
I was hurt
Hurt that u didn't see what was happening
And hurt that u didn't want to hear me out
Hurt that after all this time u'd let him change u
But u weren't the only one to change
Because of u i died
U hurt me bad u didn't care about the tears i shed
All u cared about was him
And that was when i finally snapped
I'm done
Done with the stress and tourment and most of all i'm done with you
Then the next day i gave back ur stuff and u acted like nothing at all had changed
The shock on ur face was classic i should have took a picture
But enough with that U think i got it wrong
But once again ur wrong
I've been slipping from day one
Don't shd ur phony tears
Like u really cared
Sorry i didn't see it sooner
Now i laugh and i feel so much more free
Without u
So this is good-bye our friendship has faded into another memory
And it all went down the drain