Moving On

Your never coming back,Your Dead
I need that to register in my head
My mind tells me to get over it
But my heart refuses to listen to it

Why did you choose Me ?
Couldnt you just let me be ?
Why can't life be easy ?
I know this might sound cheesy .....
But every sunrise brings me new fears
And every sunset ends with me in tears
Because your not here to help me move on NOT even in my dreams

I know this might sound Absurd ......(But seriously)
Did you plan this so I'd get hurt ?
I want to cry...
But I cant cause believe me I've tryed
And I know I'm being childish
And maybe I'm being selfish

Or maybe I'm giving you the impression
That I'm stuck in a deep,dark depression
But I just want life to be the same
And show people I'm not INSANE

But ALAS I have to let you go
Although it might hurt more than these words can show
But know this I LOVE YOU
God knows I always have
And I always will.