Sex, Drugs, Rock n Roll

Judge if you want.
We are all going to die.
I intend to deserve it.

Give me those tingles and make me scream again.
Hands entwined and skin pressed so tight to yours,
Hair tossed and declarations of love made,
Nails dig into the soft skin of your back as we meet.
I've never felt so alive.

Injecting liquid happiness into my veins once more,
Sniffing up a bit more of that rainbow sunshine.
I itch a bit more every time, get a bit more jumpy,
Angrier at every little thing, but it's okay.
I get to escape for a little while longer.

Let me scream another word or two into the microphone,
Or let me throw myself right into the arms of the crowd.
This is one of the only ways that I can let loose,
And you're trying to take it away from me.
What is more important than my words?
♠ ♠ ♠
// 8D HELL YES. That is all I have to say about this.