Angels and Demons

In my soul I keep my heart
For fear it may be torn apart

His hands proved untrustworthy to me
His love was thorned and bittersweet

The plea for hate is very strong
I cannot resist it very long

That angel sent so long ago
His words once kind now hurt me so

His Heaven burned and fell to Earth
That day that love was newly birthed

The world did burn that fateful day
That I was freed from my iron cage

My world was shattered by that angel boy
Keeping me his eternal toy

Roses die, and so does love
Never accept the kiss from above

For little you may know it's from below
And that moment you do not know

But one day soon, the love will fade
And you will see that boy's true face

Trapped in this game of love and doubt
With this Demon boy, and no way out