A Lullaby (to grant peace)

A lullaby I wrote to help my friend out in one of her classes... Not my best but hey, as far as lullabies go, it might banish a couple shadows maybe ;) Lol nootttttt. My other stuff is better, and alot different. You don't like this, maybe you'd like to check em out? xD

I sing to you child, my dear one, my dear one
Of sleeping tonight oh so sound
I sing to you darling, oh dear one, my dear one
Of peace in a heart quite profound

I sing to you, child, to banish all shadows
To keep safe a world all of your own
I sing to you, darling, of music in a letter
A single note in your mind sown

I sing to you, precious, my life that I love
Of bird cages filled up with stars
I sing to you, child, my dear one, my dear one
With hopes that tomorrows afar