A Portrait Of My Soul Without Yours, An Unbroken Heart, Standing Above (3 Poems)


""""Of A Windowsill Looking Out Upon My Soul

The windowsill sat perched like an evening death
inviting in cold drafts from dark, ominous winds
On the darkened night of the chilling departure-
The memory of the change in your eyes always rends
that horrible sight of your soul and hearts capture.

I remember it clearly, how could one forget
The festering wound of a loss, oh so grave.
The gravest of losses are not those of death,
But the loss of his soul as he tries to be brave.
And the sound of his true hearts last breath..

And now in the present I sit and I sob,
Seeing a mirror outside of this window.
mine without his, my soul is reflected.
this cold barren land will always forego
its beauty to remind me of that which I'd dreaded

*/And how it had come true/*"""


""Of A Heart Kept From Breaking

If I had not fallen before you could catch me
There's no way I'd be alive at this moment
You might have helped me up from the ground
But not in time before my heart was bent.
Then you yourself left me, after the memories set.
And I realized that the dent in my chilled heart
Kept it just enough out of your reach, to stay whole"""


"""Of standng above the rest

We stand on the shoulders of giants
We answer to only the stars
We travel and seek and wander
Only bypassing the wars

We'll see what this world has to offer
From a viewpont as high as the clouds
We'll find what our hearts ache for
Whatever will make us feel proud

The wars and the strife hold no place
In a heart that seeks more than gold
Pride of work, discovery and beauty
Will mend up the hearts of the cold""