I Love My Enemy

"Shut up, you know i hate you"
You here these words a lot from me.Your name burns my ears.The sound makes me want to cry blood.If only you knew how i truly felt about you, Oh how your image of me would change! Oh how i wish you knew.....Oh i do!
"Ugggh you"
You just hate me when i say this, you wonder why i really dont like you? When you really dont know me. How those words slip out like water, when it comes to talking to you, knowing i just cant tell you.
"(rolls eyes and grunts) Yah right"
I threaten you, even though you dont exactly know why, But I do. Its because i cant have you. I see the way you look at other girls, and sometimes i wish i knew there "secrete".
"P.S. I Love My Enemy!"
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Hi i wrote this and was going to give it to the "Enemy" so please comment and let me know what you think i should do! thank you!