?can you see me?

I sit next to you in class.
Can you see me?
I sit by you at lunch.
Can you see me?
I let you copy my homework.
Can you see me?
I let you have my seat and i sat on the floor.
can you see me?
I told you i loved you.
Can you see me?
I told you i want to be with you.
Can you see me?
You told me take a hike.
can you see me?
You told me get lost you got a girl friend.
Can you see me?
when you died i was there.
Can you see me?
Where was your girlfriend?
can you see me?
She was making out with your best friend at your house.
Can you see me?
You hit me with your car and killed me.
Can you see me?
That day you said im sorry.
Can you see me?
'Treasure' you said
Can you see me?
I can see you.
Can you see me?
I love you with all my heart.
Can you see me?
Now you see me when im gone...
♠ ♠ ♠
I like this guy but he didnt like me...:(