I'm Sorry...

Lately do you ever think,
that you and I just are not right?

I never feel enough for you,
All I can manage to do is make you mad,
All I do is annoy you when I'm happy...

Every day I get that look of disappointment,
Like all I do is let you down..
That's a little of my depressions cause,
and it doesn't go away because...
If I'm sad it's harder to hurt you,
So much harder to make you made,
When I'm depressed… I cant annoy you.

I'm sorry for who I am,
All I do is let you down,
shut your dreams away,
I make you cry..
I'm realizing that I'm not the same guy..

I wish I was the person you met 1 1/2 years ago,
That I never changes this way..
That my ways didn't go downhill.

I'm not the same good person,
I've become worthless,
someone to be ashamed of,
I'm sorry I don't have my old talents,
Where instead of bringing tears,
I made them dry..

Maybe you're ready to let me go..
Max and Kristyn make you laugh,
plenty of guys want you to be theirs,
So you really don't need me..

So if it's time to let me go,
Its okay,
I'll never blame you, never hate you.

All I ask if you are to leave,
is you don't leave me 100%..
that you are still my friend,
that you still care..