To Whomever It May Concern

To Whomever It May Concern,

I shouldn't love him.
He's a dick and doesn't feel the same way.
All my friends seem to hate him.
Why couldn't I like someone who's good for me.
That doesn't do drugs, smoke, and all kinds of other bad stuff.
All I want is someone I could and everyone else will like him.
Why do I keep picking the most stupid people.
No offense to the people who date them.
Then most of the time they're a hard to get over.
This is why I hate love and I can't trust myself to love someone.
Why is life so complicated?
I hate him!
Or at least I wish I could.
It's just so hard to hate the ones you love.
No matter how many times he hurts me I just keep coming back.
I'm so stupid.
How could I think it would be easy to get over someone.
Maybe this is God's way of punishing me for all the people I've hurt.
I guess I deserve it.
I guess I'm nothing in this world.
I just want to end it all.
But there's no peaceful way to get rid of my misery.
One day when I end my life I want everyone to know I didn't mean to hurt them.
I tried to love them
I really did.
There will be very little that will miss me.
The few that do will be my true friends.
The people that truly loved me and I loved them back.