
Im sick of this mask
this beautiful mask
of who everyone
wants me to be

Yes, It's intricate, wonderful
but it hides
who I am
my true face

I pull and tug
but it wont come off
it has glued itself
to who i am

But is this what i've become?
this beautiful mask
or am i still hidden
beneath the surface

I beg and i plead
but this mask has no mercy
it must show the world
what they want to see

I cant stop it
it's a beautiful monster
devouring my true self
and all i really am

So am i destined
to wear this mask
this beautiful atrocity
forever and eternity?

Maybe im not fighting
hard enough to get it off
because im scared
of what the mask is not

I ask myself
is this mask better
than who i really am?
or is that the mask speaking?

This mask is slipping
into my mind
no longer just a decoration
on my face

And as it turns my mind
into what everyone wants
i hope to at least have a ghost
of my true self