It's Never Too Late

To the one I call father...
Where are those hugs, the kisses, the love?
Those father/daughter talks we should have.
Just sitting on a park bench forgetting our worries, our trials, our losses.
BBQ's in the backyard and lazy dog days.
Waking up in the morning just to say good-bye.
Break-up's and make ups; where are you when bare-foot boys call?
To question the intentions of crushes and flings.
To show me how a real man acts and is.
To teach me some tricks of the trade: the hammer, the wood.
To wipe away tears of conflicts and fears.
Did you forget about me, put my feelings on hold,
Press the mute button on my voice?
To the one I call father...non-existent in my life?
♠ ♠ ♠
This is fiction. I get a long GREAT with my father.