Standing in the Rain

Have you ever stood in the rain?
While it falls on your face,
Listen to it pour down.
Drip, Drop, Drip.
As it falls to the cool, smooth ground.
It's great for almost everything-
Dancing, walking, kissing.
It soaks through your clothes.
Chilling you to the bone.
And yet, you don't dare move.
It feels so nice, the cold, wet drops rolling down and off your skin.
Spinning around and around, staring at the sky while it cries,
It's like a new born baby, crying but yet so beautiful.
You laugh and you dance, run through and try to dodge the drops.
It brings a smile to my face.
And after the rain stops pouring down,
Out comes the colorful rainbow that never seems to end.
That's why I love the rain.