
Why is it feared?
The beautiful darkness.
So unknown and misunderstood.
Scary on the outside, but amazing on the inside,
Almost like me.
It's when the things you love most come out,
And the things you hate most come out.
The shining stars, the lovely moon,
The bats and the wolves.
Nobody knows what's waiting in the dark.
It's a mystery just waiting to be solved.
It's magical.
It's perfect.
You dream when it's dark,
Some of the best and worst things imaginable.
It takes you from reality to a different place - another world.
A place that shouldn't be feared - but celebrated.
It's unbelievable how wonderful everything can be in the dark.
Silence surrounds,
The calm and peace set in.
You can't see - it's like your blind.
Just sit and listen to everything.
It's relaxing,
Staring out into the nothingness,
Thinking about whatever comes into your mind.
So why should we be afraid of,
The Darkness?